Breastmilk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.​

Symptoms during pregnancy

Experiencing frequent urination, pain in the sacrum or heartburn? Learn why pregnancy causes discomfort, how to alleviate them and when is advisable to consult your doctor for discussion.


Nausea is normal in early pregnancy.

Many women suffer severe nausea in early pregnancy. The trigger for this is due to a high level of the pregnancy hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in early pregnancy and decreases after the 3rd month of pregnancy. An average of 30 percent pregnant women experience nausea or vomiting and some even experience it several times a day. A consolation for those who suffer from nausea: it is considered as a good sign that the pregnancy is stable.

Nausea is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. Scientists suspect that the release of high levels of pregnancy hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) has been triggered. The altered hormonal balance also affects the taste and smell perception. Foods that have been previously eaten may cause to trigger the feeling of disgust and cause nausea or even vomiting. The smells perceived are stronger now and can mimic coffee, tea or perfume. The intensity and duration of morning sickness is based on every individual. In most cases, it disappears after the first trimester. 


This is known as the burning sensation that occurs behind the sternum, also known as the breastbone when stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus. This is due to hormonal changes affecting the stomach sphincter. In addition, the uterus is increasingly demanding for more space and pushes the stomach upwards.


An expectant mother can hardly be spared from backache. They particularly occur in the last few weeks of pregnancy, before the birth because of the increasing weight loads on the back of the muscles and ligaments. 


Many pregnant women wallow sleepless night back and forth. Your sleep might be disrupted by the kicking of the baby or the upset of your tummy. Other sleeping problems can also be due to back pain, leg cramps or mental exertion.

Shortness of breath

Did you know that the baby’s organs and limbs are formed in the first 100 days of pregnancy? During this time, the use of uncontrolled drugs can be particularly harmful. Do consult your doctor before taking any drugs or medication during your pregnancy.

Hormonal changes and increased blood volume can strain the heart, resulting in shortness of breath and palpitations of many pregnant women. Moreover, the growing baby presses from below, against the diaphragm and thus the lungs. 

Consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Leg swelling

Fluid retention, also known as oedema, is a typical symptom during pregnancy. There is no need to be alarmed as long as your doctor determines that your blood pressure, kidney and weight values are normal.

Varicose Veins

The uterus puts pressure on the leg veins and can hinder the flow of blood. In addition, wide-veins are caused by the pregnancy hormones. 

Leg cramps

Leg cramps are usually a sign of magnesium deficiency. The fastest way to relieve a cramp is by walking, stretching or light stamping on the floor.

Constipation and indigestion

Constipation is one of the typical pregnancy symptoms, since the pressure of the uterus is on the anus as well as hormonal changes can slow the gut. 

Urinary frequency

Most women noticed that they have to visit the toilet more often than usual, from the start of pregnancy. The hormone progesterone is now increasingly produced; this has a relaxing effect on the bladder and the total increased blood flow stimulates the kidney activity, thus more urine is being produced.

With increased needs of fluid intake, it is not recommended to reduce your daily fluid intake. You should try to cope with the recommended amount of fluid intake in the afternoon.

Pelvic floor exercises learned during the antenatal class can train the inner muscles for birth. These targeted exercises can also help prevent bladder weakness or urinary incontinence before and after birth.

Please contact your doctor if your experience pain in the lumbar region or the urethra, added with chills or fever.


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